Bobs Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten

75% to 80% protein. An employee-owned company. To your good health - Bob Moore. You can see our quality! Bob's Red Mill Vital Wheat Gluten is made from the protein found in the endosperm of the wheat berry. When combined with water it becomes highly elastic and taffy-like. Added to bread dough, it helps retain the gas and steam from baking and gives more volume to the baked bread. It can be especially helpful for baking breads made with coarse, whole grain flours and cereals. Wholesome. Bob's Vital Wheat Gluten is 75% to 80% protein. Add about one tablespoon per cup of flour in your bread recipe to improve texture and elasticity and help your bread rise. History in the Making: Bob's Red Mill is dedicated to making natural foods in the natural way. That's why we carefully stone grind our grains in the simple and traditional way used by discriminating millers since early Roman times. With all the sophisticated technology of recent times, no machinery has yet been developed that grind grains quite as well as our flint-hard quartz millstones. The granulation produced by stone grinding is far superior and the cool temperature of the process preserves valuable nutrients that are lost in conventional, high speed milling methods. We stone grind the widest possible variety of grains into flours and meals on our century-old mills. We mix them into an astounding array of delicious flours, cereals, and pancake, muffin and bread mixes. We also have a line of gluten-free products that are made in a dedicated facility and exhaustively tested for purity. We add to the list continually, making our product line of healthy grain-based foods the most complete in the world. Delight you and yours today with our stone ground goodness and know that you're eating the finest grain products available anywhere. To your good health, Bob Moore. Our product line is diverse and extensive. For information and recipes, visit our website at